13 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zur Ökologie von Bodenmikroorganismen in den Vestfold Hills (Ostantarktis)

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    Spaces of Inclusion - An explorative study on needs of refugees and migrants in the domain of media communication and on responses by community media

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    COMMIT – Community Media Institute is based in Austria and works in the field of media training and research. COMMIT was commissioned by the Information Society Department of Council of Europe Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law to realize this study. The Study consist of three sections which have been delivered by different experts and a common section of Conclusions and recommendations. The authors are (following the structure of the report): Section I: Community Media in Europe - an overview Salvatore Scifo, senior lecturer in Communication & Social Media at the School of Journalism, English and Communication at Bournemouth University, UK Section II: Study based on ethnographic interviews with refugees in Austria Jonas Hassemer, PhD candidate at the Linguistics Department, University of Vienna, A Brigitta Busch, professor at the Linguistics Department, University of Vienna, A Section III: The right to have a voice – Portraits of community media productions by migrants and refugees Nadia Bellardi, journalist and transcultural consultant, C


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    Parlamentarische Technikfolgen-Abschätzung in Europa

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    Überarbeitete Fassung eines Projektendberichts des Instituts für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung mit Beiträgen internationaler ExpertInnen zum Status Quo im Jahre 1994 der Institutionalisierung von Technikfolgenabschätzung an europäischen Parlamenten im Vergleich